JAIIB EXAM 2022(Junior Associate of the Indian Institute of Bankers) is the critical examination identified with the Banking division conducted by Indian Institute of Banking and Finance(IIBF) which is considered as the most antiquated instructive organization which was built up as per the demonstration of 1913, Indian Companies Act.
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IIBF JAIIB is directed under section 25 which was established in 1928. Presently more than 4, 50, 000 employees and all these employees are able body banks.
2022 UPDATE :- We updated this post with latest information regarding JAIIB Exam 2022. There is a new learning programme started “called E-learning”. You can check about E-learning for JAIIB 2020 Exam on official website.

Under IIBF, there are such a large number of monetary establishments and banks having the participation thus these workers are aided through this momentous association. As far as enhancing learning level, IIBF JAIIB 2022 examination is considered as the most obvious opportunity and candidates, can strengthen their expertise in this field. For this course, even distance learning program is also available. Candidates should give utmost importance to this examination for the progress in the banking sector. Today we are providing all the information like jaiib exam date , jaiib complete syllabus , exam pattern and all , just scroll down and get your info.
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What is IIBF ?
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IIBF stands for Indian Institute of Banking & Finance. The candidates who are studying here, are going to be a great personality in future. Because the main agenda of IIBF is to train the candidates in such a way that they become professionally qualified, competent bankers, finance professionals. For these qualities in a candidate, they need to qualify various test like training in consultancy, counselling, training, examinations and other things.
If you are trained under IIBF then you are going to have a bright future for sure.
IIBF was established in 1928, previously known as IIB (Indian Institute of Bankers). There are more than 4 lakhs employees posted in banks. Now the institute is located in Mumbai in Kurla area.
JAIIB Fee for Members
(Examination Eligible for Members Only)
First attempt fee | 2,400* |
Second attempt fee | 1,000* |
Third attempt fee | 1,000* |
Fourth attempt fee | 1,000* |
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Any person who is working in the banking and finance industry can apply for the examination. Registration for new membership is to be done online on www.iibf.org.in. Also, the aspirant who is willing to use must have passed matriculation examination or its substitute. (The Institute on recommendation of the Manager of the bank/office-in-charge where the candidate is working may allow the applicant to write the examination even if he/she is not a matriculate or its equivalent)
The subordinate staff of recognized banking/financial institution in India is also eligible to write the examination provided they have passed the matriculation examination or its substitute.
OPEN PERIOD FOR JAIIB Registration 2022 (10-03-2020 TO 9-04-2022)
Date | Time | Subject |
12th November 2022 | Will be given in the admit Letter | Principles & Practices of
Banking |
13th November 2022 | Will be given in the admit Letter | Accounting & Finance for
Bankers |
20th November 2022 | Will be given in
the admit Letter |
Legal & Regulatory
Aspects of Banking |
(1) Principles & Practices of Banking
(2) Accounting & Finance for Bankers
(3) Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Banking
There would be two choices available for the candidate to write the jaiib exam: Hindi or English. The candidate chooses the medium of examination at the time of filling of application form. No changes will be entertained after that.
Exam Pattern for JAIIB Exam 2022

1. Each question paper will have questions based on case study/case lets. The paper would be multiple choice having approximately 120 questions. The Institute has the right to change the number of questions to be asked for a subject.
2. There is no negative marking. 3. Questions having the weight of half-marks are also asked. 4. Two marks questions can also be answered by the candidates. 5. The examination will be of 2 hours. 6. The mode of Examination will be both Online and Offline.
Books for Preparation of JAIIB Exam 2022
The only recommend books is the one issued by IIFB itself. You should buy the books at least 3-4 months before and spend at least one month on each book. The entire question paper(s) is from those books only. The books issued by the IIFB is the bible for you.

IIBF JAIIB Exam Result 2022
This year many candidates have appeared in the IIBF JAIIB Examination and now the results are declared.
Now it’s time to see the results. The candidates can check the result at the official site of the IIBF.
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JAIIB EXAMINATION 2022 – Centre List
You can check all the available centre for JAIIB Exam 2022 on official website of IIBF i.e, ” http://www.iibf.org.in/flagshipcourses.asp “